Showing posts from category: Work

USAdopt website launches

The USAdopt website has been launched. USAdopt fills an ecological niche that was astonishingly vacant: an organization that calmly, warmly, and professionally, helps people navigate the confusing domestic adoption process. Founder and CEO Amanda Grant was inspired by her own (ultimately happy) quest to become a parent. Her personal experience, coupled with her career as…

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The Lunch Posts & Wandermonster blog in the Wall Street Journal

Our blog, Wandermonster, and the Lunch Posts are featured in a piece in the Wall Street Journal today. My son Ben enjoyed his first interview and is quoted in the piece. Some images appear in the video piece around 2:07. Please come explore our blog—which has a great new thumbnail archive, thanks to the talented…

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Popcorn Noir

Popcorn Noir is our kind of project. Motivated by love of film and community, it’s an exciting example of a crazy idea brought to life, and one sure to become a fixture. We’re just getting settled here in Western Massachusetts, even while I’m commuting weekly back to Brooklyn to teach three classes at Pratt. And…

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UnMap Queens show at the Impossible Project

Please join us at the reception for an exhibit of the UnMap Project photos. Thursday, July 28th, from 6pm to 8pm at the Impossible Project, 425 Broadway, 5th Floor, in Manhattan. Impossible Project, sponsor of UnMap Queens, is exhibiting sixteen large-scale prints from the project in their SoHo gallery. UnMap Queens, a collaboration with Carl Gambrell…

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How Magazine article on Wandermonster + Lunch Posts

I’ve written a piece for How Magazine, which can be found online and in print at newsstands on Wandermonster, the Lunch Posts, and ideas for creative parenting. I’m thrilled to have this in print, and Ben is now the youngest illustrator to have his work featured in the magazine. Please check it out.   Here…

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New illustrations for The Rumpus

The Rumpus is literary without being pretentious, perverse without being degrading, serious without ever being boring. And I’m always happy to create illustrations for their paper-less pages as well as here and here and here and here.  They claim to update ten times a day, and I always run out of time before I run…

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New Photos: The Mighty Women of Yashpirt

  Near the Pakistan–China border, the Batura Glacier laps at the immense Karakorum mountains like a cat’s tongue. The only way up the glacier is a trail blazed by the women of Passu. Every spring, while the men stick to their town jobs and fields, these women, some of them very old, drive herds of…

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New Addition to the Photos Section: Signage from a Pashtun Deadwood

My bus bumps past Mad Max-style homes, like Super 8 motels behind medieval walls, down a road covered in ornate signs. This is Der’a Adam Khel, a town by the Afghan border in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier, devoted to the manufacture of counterfeit firearms, where men labor with hand tools to craft knock-off weaponry for the…

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Peaceful holidays: Pensive Yeti

My illustration, The Pensive Yeti, is the Christmas “gift” on The Rumpus this morning. A peaceful holiday to all.

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