Posts from: March 2011

New Addition to the Photos Section: Signage from a Pashtun Deadwood
My bus bumps past Mad Max-style homes, like Super 8 motels behind medieval walls, down a road covered in ornate signs. This is Der’a Adam Khel, a town by the Afghan border in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier, devoted to the manufacture of counterfeit firearms, where men labor with hand tools to craft knock-off weaponry for the…

Thinking of Syria
I have been fascinated, and nervously hopeful, as the people of one Arab country after another assert themselves. Syria is the first of these countries I have actually visited, and my thoughts are with them today. I have added a new category to the “Work” section of this site: “Photos,” which I am inaugurating…

Friend of the studio Ajay Naidu’s film “Ashes”
Long time friend of the studio, Ajay Naidu, a phenomenal actor, has written, directed, and acts in the beautiful, soulful film, Ashes, which is gaining momentum on the film festival circuit. It won Best of Fest at the Queens World Film Fest, and is now screening around the world, including the Tongues on Fire/London Asia…